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  • Results-Driven 
    ZOHO Implementation 
    for Peak Business Performance

    Aurnex Tech's Zoho implementation unlocks 
    the full potential of Zoho, transforming your business.

500 + Successful Implementations 

We have successfully implemented Zoho solutions for over 500 businesses. Our team of experts can help you leverage the power of Zoho. Unify CRM, marketing, finance, inventory, and collaboration tools.

50+ Zoho Implementation Experts 

Our Zoho experts will ensure your chosen applications are configured and customized to perfectly suit your business needs and provide training and support to your team to leverage Zoho effectively.

8 + Years Zoho Consultant Experience

We don't just implement Zoho, we optimize it. Our team works with you to identify and streamline your processes, ensuring a smoother workflow and better results. We will leverage Zoho's automation to free up your team's time.

Zoho One

Zoho One isn't just software, it's the conductor for your business orchestra. Forget the days of juggling countless apps. Zoho One brings all the instruments (CRM, marketing, finance, etc.) together under one roof, with a user-friendly control panel to harmonize your operations.

Zoho CRM+

Zoho CRM+ isn't just another contact manager, it's the conductor for your customer orchestra. Forget the days of scattered leads and forgotten follow-ups. Zoho CRM+ brings all your customer interactions together in one harmonious platform.

Zoho People Plus

From onboarding to offboarding, done effortlessly. Zoho People Plus - The all-in-one HR platform that puts your people first. Simplify HR, unlock potential, watch your company soar.

Zoho Workplace

Emails, chats, docs gone wild? Zoho Workplace tames the chaos. Unified productivity, unleashed creativity.  The one platform that keeps your team connected & in sync. Working together, made easy. 

Zoho Finance Plus

Go GST-ready, go finance-savvy! Zoho Finance Plus: Your one-stop shop for seamless accounting & effortless tax compliance. Streamline operations, simplify GST, and watch your business flourish.

Zoho MarketingPlus

Marketing made magical. Zoho Marketing Plus: One platform, endless possibilities. Engage, measure, win. The all-in-one marketing powerhouse for teams that win. Stop juggling channels, start crushing goals.

We Help You Implement Apps And Solutions With Result Driven Processes Making Your Business Organised And Growing.

We have helped business owners across globe from different industries and sectors, helping them to identify and formulate a process that delivers a better result, making processes smoother and automated by implementing solutions. Aurnex experts are available to meet with you and tailor your Zoho apps to your exact needs, specs, and budget

End to end solutions

Make data driven decisions

Orchestrate, Automate, and Optimise your business

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Check Out  Our Expertise on Implementing 
Zoho Solutions
to Your Business

Businesses all across the globe are using Zoho Appsand for clear reasons.

It has a robust and simple-to-use bunch of various apps and data integration platform that boosts a company's relationships, sales, productivity, and efficiency. However, no other ERP is ever a great match straight out of the box. 

Aurnex professional experts are available to meet with you and tailor your Zoho apps to your exact needs, specs, and budget.

Consult Now

Our Services


Our objective is to enable your company to make sensible technology investments, enhance operations, save money and time.


We help you to automate your business which includes daily tasks and workflow as this will help with increased efficiency.


Our Zoho implementation services can help you market your firm's everyday tasks, engage customers, and manage sales.

Yes, We are Zoho Certified Experts! 

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